Sep 27, 2018
Sep 20, 2018
blax·ploi·ta·tion | \ ˌblak-(ˌ)splȯi-ˈtā-shən \
: the exploitation of blacks by producers of black-oriented film
In today's episode, the Adjudicator, Scott Ackbar, and the Librarian catch a flick. The Librarian talks sports? Star Trek clashes with Star Wars!
ERRATA: In this episode,...
Sep 13, 2018
Sep 6, 2018
On today's episode, the Adjudicator reads a book, the Librarian expresses his frustration at modern video games, and Ackbar contemplates VR sports games.
We discuss the defunct Lucasarts Star Wars:1313 and the problems with marketplaces in video games that allow cash to substitute for grinding for hours.
We discuss what...