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Intercepted Imperial Transmissions

Hello Intercepted Imperial Transmissions listeners!  We would be honored if you would join us.  Have a look around, and use the comment page to reach out and say hi!

Feb 27, 2021

We're back!  Hibernation Sickness can be a real drag!

We're happy to introduce a new podcast member, The Imperial Apprentice!

Let's talk about the Rebel Ranger who's leaving the party, Gina Carano.  :(

The "Carano Effect" spread far and wide across the Disney multiverse.

In the main event, Go..Go..WandaVision, the House...

We’re still alive!

Feb 16, 2021

Hello Loyal Listeners it is I, your favorite Sithy Librarian!

We're still alive and prepping some new material!

Besides trying to survive the global pandemic and making it through another holiday without really getting to see family, we’ve also had a blessing!  The Imperial Adjudicator and his wife welcomed a new...