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Intercepted Imperial Transmissions

Hello Intercepted Imperial Transmissions listeners!  We would be honored if you would join us.  Have a look around, and use the comment page to reach out and say hi!

Nov 27, 2020

On today's episode, The Mandalorian Episode 12, The Seige!

Jon Favreau tries to explain the unexplainable!

Carl Weather creates the goto 2021 Halloween costume, Half-a-Man Man!

Moff Gideon, Master of Mayhem or milquetoast?

Rey -Vs- Luke...who's the worst teacher?

Scott throws down the gauntlet!

Yapple eats a cookie, Squee!

And, why do all roads lead to Tatooine?

So grab some intergalactic macarons, some Aunt Beru's blue milk, and enjoy!