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Intercepted Imperial Transmissions

Hello Intercepted Imperial Transmissions listeners!  We would be honored if you would join us.  Have a look around, and use the comment page to reach out and say hi!

Oct 4, 2019

In today's episode, the Librarian et al. discuss the joys of collecting and what it takes to search for the Holy Grail of collectibles.

The Charismatic Trio will, hopefully, be at the Westchester Sheep and Wool Festival, in Rhinebeck, NY.  If you happen to see us and want to say hello, come on over.

Schnappen Sie sich einen Stein Ihres Lieblings-Weißbiers, eine heiße Brezel mit Senf, und genießen Sie die Show.

**Grab a stein of your favorite weissbier, a hot pretzel with mustard, and enjoy the show.**