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Intercepted Imperial Transmissions

Hello Intercepted Imperial Transmissions listeners!  We would be honored if you would join us.  Have a look around, and use the comment page to reach out and say hi!

Mar 14, 2019

On today's episode, we celebrate the Season Finale, 54 episodes!!  We'd like to thanks all our listeners for listening and keeping us enthusiastic about not missing a week.

Today we discuss, with HEAVY spoilers, Captain Marvel.  We discuss a couple of interesting videos that we've seen on YouTube.

A Star Wars is Born

The Physics Behind The Last Jedi's Coolest Scene!

We discuss the upcoming Hugo the way, we'd never say no to a nomination. *wink nudge*

Hugo Awards

We also discuss some really interesting theories we have about some things we see in Capt. Marvel, and how they may refer back to things in previous Marvel films, and Agents of Shield.

And finally, in the spirit of the Star Wars theme of our podcast...Vader's Car!