Dec 21, 2018
On today's episode, we discuss the colognes of yesteryear, British television, and metal sculptures.
Our main topic is the Millennium Falcon and the real "minimalist movement". We explore the Librarian's newest catchphrase, and whether Lando's daughter, who has been cast in Star Wars: Episode IX, is the daughter of L3-37 and Lando. "It works."
Finally, we discuss the Death Star and the number of civilian casualties that the Empire suffers when a terrorist attack is launched against their newest vessel.
Oh, and as a reminder: Batman is STILL a scientist and the Adjudicator cries when you mention the late Stan Lee.
Well, it's the most wonderful time of the year! Next week IIT will be presenting a two-part podcast on the Star Wars Holiday Special. Aired once in 1978 it's full of fun, disco, and outdated commercials. Listen to the Librarian explain why there are so many commercials for pantyhose.